Drop off any cash or checks to any New Hampshire TD Bank! Make sure when you arrive to the TD Bank you do the following:

Let the teller know you would like to deposit in the “Special Olympics Plunge” account

Write your name on the deposit slip so we can credit the funds to your Plunge Take a picture of the deposit receipt and email it, along with any applicable cash donor record forms, to Emily Kunelius at EmilyK@sonh.org

Funds will be credited to your Plunge, donors will be thanked and the donation will be added to your online fundraising page. Please allow 3-5 business days for processing.

Find a TD Bank in NH near you here 

Don’t live near a TD Bank?  

Mail checks to SONH at PO Box 3598 Concord, NH 03302 Please do not mail cash. If you have cash donations, please use the offline donation feature on your Plunge page or transfer cash to a money order at a local bank and mail that to us!

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