Annual Design-A-Holiday-Card Contest

Sheehan Phinney is a renowned law firm throughout New England that started in Manchester New Hampshire. Since 2017, Special Olympics New Hampshire and Sheehan Phinney have had a strong partnership in their annual holiday card initiative. Annually, Sheehan Phinney sends out a holiday card that gets distributed to thousands of their clients throughout New England, and the United States, and posted on their website.
Sheehan Phinney provides all Special Olympics New Hampshire athletes the opportunity to submit artwork for their annual holiday card. A final card design is then selected by a committee at Sheehan Phinney, and the winner is recognized at their Manchester location, where they receive a warm welcome from their staff, and a copy of the holiday card.
Please submit original artwork for the annual holiday card contest, telling us why you the love holidays!
Check back in the Fall of 2025 when the contest is announced!