Sports > Snowboarding

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Snowboarding is one of our Winter Sports, which take place from late November to March. Practices occur at McIntyre Ski Area in Manchester on Sundays at 3pm, which lead up to the State Winter Games competition at Waterville Valley Resort the first weekend of March.

Prior to the season, we hold an annual preseason meeting at McIntyre Ski Area in early November. This session outlines a summary of the season, explains practice structure, goes over equipment, helmet sizing, and skill levels. It is also a great opportunity to connect with teammates and volunteers prior to practices beginning!

For information on the sport and season, visit the SONH Snowboarding information page. Here, you can find rules, a list of offered events, coaching guides, and much more!

For information on how to donate or support our ski and snowboard team, please view our Peter Fleming Memorial Ski Race Fundraiser!

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